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ReAPI is an AMX Mod X module designed to enhance the functionality of Counter-Strike 1.6 servers running on the ReHLDS (Reverse-engineered Half-Life Dedicated Server) platform. It provides a comprehensive API that facilitates seamless integration with ReHLDS, ReGameDLL_CS, Reunion, and VTC, thereby offering AMXX plugin developers expanded capabilities to achieve their objectives.

github.com (for the Newest version of ReAPI at original authors on GitHub)

Key Features:

  • Enhanced API Access: ReAPI offers an extensive set of APIs that allow for deeper interaction with the server's core components, enabling developers to create more sophisticated and efficient plugins.

  • Compatibility: This version is compatible with ReGameDLL version and higher. Older versions are not supported, so it's essential to update ReGameDLL accordingly.

  • New Hooks and Natives: The update introduces several new hooks and natives, including:

    • RG_CreateWeaponBox hook

    • RG_PM_LadderMove hook

    • RH_ExecuteServerStringCmd hook

    • rg_set/get_global_iteminfo natives

    These additions provide developers with more tools to manipulate game behavior and enhance gameplay features.

System Requirements:

  • ReHLDS

  • ReGameDLL_CS

  • Reunion or VTC

  • MetaMod 1.20(p) or later

Note: Not all dependencies are mandatory, but the available functionality may be limited if some are missing.

Installation Steps:

  1. Download the Module: Obtain ReAPI from the official GitHub repository.

  2. Extract Files: Place the extracted module files into the appropriate directories within your server's file structure.

  3. Configure MetaMod: Edit the plugins.ini file located in the addons/metamod directory to include the ReAPI module.

  4. Restart the Server: After configuration, restart your server to apply the changes.

By implementing ReAPI, server administrators and plugin developers can leverage its advanced APIs to create more dynamic and feature-rich gameplay experiences, thereby enhancing the overall quality and engagement of their Counter-Strike 1.6 servers.

reapi-bin- (1).zip

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