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Hitbox Fixer 1.1.5 (Pre-release) is a module designed to address and correct inaccuracies in player hitboxes on Counter-Strike 1.6 servers running the ReHLDS (Reverse-engineered Half-Life Dedicated Server) platform. Developed by Garey27, this module aims to enhance hit registration by synchronizing server-side hitboxes with client-side animations.

github.com (for the latest version of Hitbox fixer cs 1.6 on github)

Key Features:

  • Correction of Animation-Related Hitbox Issues: The module fixes significant hitbox discrepancies that occur during specific player animations, such as ducking or standing while reloading weapons or planting the C4 explosive. These issues are often associated with scenarios where numblends == 1.

  • Client-Side Position Backtracking: Hitbox Fixer implements backtracking based on the client's position, ensuring that the server accurately reflects the player's location during interactions.

  • Spawn Position Correction: The module addresses and corrects improper hitbox positions that can occur when a player spawns, enhancing the accuracy of hit detection from the outset.

System Requirements:

  • ReHLDS Version: 3.11 or higher.

  • AMX Mod X Version: 1.9.0 or higher.

Configuration Command:

  • hbf_enabled [1/0]: Enables (1) or disables (0) the Hitbox Fixer module.

Additional Tools:

The pre-release version 1.1.5 introduces a hitbox visualizer to aid in debugging and visualization:

  • Hitbox Visualizer: Implemented as a .asi file, this tool allows administrators to visualize hitboxes as calculated by the server.

    Usage Instructions:

    1. Configure the launch parameters of both Half-Life/Counter-Strike and HLDS with the -insecure flag.

    2. Place the hitbox_vis.asi file into the Half-Life directory.

    3. Launch the game and connect to the server.

    4. On the server, set the following console variables (cvars😞

      • hbf_debug 1: Displays partial animation parameters.

      • hbf_debug 2: Provides full debugging information, showing hitboxes exactly as calculated by the server.

By implementing Hitbox Fixer 1.1.5, server administrators can significantly improve the accuracy of hit detection, leading to a more fair and enjoyable gaming experience for players.



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